Why Choose Shedsafe

What Is Shed Safe?

Many sheds built in Australia may be subjected to severe weather conditions including intense winds and storms. Sheds in the northern part of Australia subjected to cyclonic winds, whilst sheds in our alpine regions are at times subject to snow loads.

ShedSafe is a third-party accreditation program managed by the Australian Steel Institute that works with our members and their certifying engineers to supply sheds that are compliant with the National Construction Code.

Don’t all sheds comply with the National Construction Code?

The short answer is No; some sheds have incorrect or outdated engineering or have the incorrect site classification for the location.

ShedSafe members have their engineering audited on an annual basis by third part independent engineers to ensure their design principles are compliant with the National Construction Code.

ShedSafe members use the ShedSafe site check site classification program to determine the correct site wind speed for your site, the shed is certified by the engineer prior to manufacture

Does choosing ShedSafe really matter?

It is just a shed, and I am insured. No one wants a failed shed; it causes economic loss and a lot of inconvenience.

Insurance companies require buildings including sheds to comply with the National Construction Code, a non- compliant shed may not be covered by your insurer.

Are ShedSafe Accredited sheds more expensive?

Our members sell tens of thousands of compliant sheds every year and compete successfully across the industry.

ShedSafe is your assurance of a compliant shed.

Why would you risk not buying a ShedSafe accredited shed?

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